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dc.contributor.authorKarmaliyev, R. S.-
dc.contributor.authorUssenov, Z. T.-
dc.contributor.authorSidikhov, B. M.-
dc.contributor.authorYertleuova, B. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGabdullin, D. E.-
dc.contributor.authorAkhmedenov, K. M.-
dc.description.abstractThe research was aimed at determining the epizootology of main helminthiases in cattle in the steppe, semidesert, and desert zones of the West Kazakhstan region in various seasons in various age groups. Cattle infestation with helminths was determined using the Fülleborn’s method. Thelazia were washed from the conjunctival sac with a solution of boric acid. To detect the cysts of larval cestodiases, parenchymatous organs were examined. In the West region of Kazakhstan, the extensity of cattle infestation with main types of helminths was as follows; Moniezia expansa (14.2 %), Echinococcus granulosus (larvae, 35.8%), Nematodirus spp. (35%), Ostertagia spp. (60.5%), Cooperia spp. (55.1%), Haemonchus spp. (22.4%), Trichostrongylus spp. (22.6%), and Thelazia rhodesi (35.8%). The seasonal and age dynamics of cattle infestation with helminths is significantly affecting their prevalence in this region. The maximum infestation of the animals with Moniezia, digestive tract Strongylata, and Thelazia was observed in the summer and the autumn seasons, while the minimum infestation was in the winter and the spring seasons. Moniezia Strongylata. Cattle in the West Kazakhstan region are infested with Moniezia, Echinococcus, Strongylata of the digestive tract and Telazia. These helminthiases have seasonal and age-related dynamics of invasion. Our results describe a comparative analysis for cattle infestation with the common types of helminths in the steppe, semi-desert, and desert zones of the West region of Kazakhstan with consideration for the season and age dynamics of animals’ infestation with helminths in these zones. Целью исследования было определение эпизоотологии основных гельминтозов крупного рогатого скота в степной, полупустынной и пустынной зонах Западно-Казахстанской области в разные сезоны в различных возрастных группах. Зараженность крупного рогатого скота гельминтами определяли по методу Фюллеборна. Thelazia смывали из конъюнктивального мешка раствором борной кислоты. Для выявления кист личиночных цестодозов исследовали паренхиматозные органы.ru
dc.subjectимпакт-фактор 2020ru
dc.subjectнаучный журналru
dc.subjectзарубежное изданиеru
dc.subjectдальнее зарубежьеru
dc.subjectпериодическое изданиеru
dc.subjectгельминтозы крсru
dc.titleEpizootic Monitoring for Helminthoses in Cattle in the West Region of Kazakhstanru
dc.title.alternativeAdvances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. - 2020.ru
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