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Название: The methods of improving the technology of Portland cement productionwith the use of Western Kazakhstan local raw materials and industrial wastes
Авторы: Burakhta, V. A.
Jubanaliyeva, A. M.
Sataeva, S. S.
Ключевые слова: рк
глина клинкер,портланд
пиритные огарки
технический углерод
pyritic cinder
tehnical carbon
portland cement
отечественное издание
научный журнал
периодическое издание
журнал коксон
Дата публикации: 2019
Издательство: Bulletin of the Karaganda university /хим. сер.//. - 2019
Краткий осмотр (реферат): In this paper, one of the most rapidly developing branches in the construction industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan Portland cement production has been examined. In this connection, the main properties of the constituent components for producing Portland cement based on local raw materials in Western Kazakhstan have been studied. The technological burning process of Portland cement clinker has been made and their X-ray phase analysis has been carried out. The cement obtained main characteristics have been determined in order to assess its quality. The technological process of obtaining Portland cement with the use of local raw materials and the addition of pyritic cinders and carbon black has been organized. It has been established that the introduction of technical carbon and pyrite cinders in Portland cement has a positive effect on the rheolog-ical properties, as well as on the increase in the strength characteristics of Portland cement. The economic value has been estimated and the profitability of Portland cement production in the West Kazakhstan region has been calculated. An improved technology for the production of Portland cement including the use of local raw materials with the addition of pyritic cinders of more than 2 % and technical carbon in an amount of up to 3 % has been proposed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1880
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