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dc.contributor.authorSilantieva, M. A.-
dc.contributor.authorSatybayeva, N. A.-
dc.contributor.authorKupeshova, A. S.-
dc.description.abstractThe article gives a classification of mechatronic modules, presents a generalized structure of the mechatronic system, shows a block-modular system for constructing mechatronic modules.With a mechanism for modeling interdisciplinary ideas and methods, mechatronics provides ideal conditions for increasing synergy, thus providing a catalytic effect for new solutions to technically complex situations. an interdisciplinary field that synergistically combines classical knowledge in mechanical engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, optics and computer science. The improvement of the functionality of technical systems and the creation of new concepts of machines and equipment with built-in «artificial intelligence» are presented.Emphasis is placed on the functional integration of mechanical drives with electronics and computer control. The article gives the formation in the engineering environment of automation and robotics, where the "mechanical" way of solving design problems did not meet the expectations and opportunities provided by other areas of technology, in particular electronics, optoelectronics, materials science, especially computer science. The concept of mechatronics engineering is given, which provides an opportunity not only to humanize machines, but also changes the way of thinking and approach to technological issues, and most importantly, teaches new technologies and ways of acquiring knowledge and skills.В статье дана классификация мехатронных модулей, представлена обобщенная структура мехатронной системы, показана блочно-модульная система построения мехатронных модулей. Благодаря механизму моделирования междисциплинарных идей и методов мехатроника обеспечивает идеальные условия для повышения синергии, тем самым обеспечивая каталитический эффект для новых решений технически сложных ситуаций.ru
dc.publisherҒылым және білім=Наука и образование=Science and education № 2-2 (67).ru
dc.subjectнаучный журналru
dc.subjectотечественное изданиеru
dc.subjectпериодическое изданиеru
dc.subjectmechatronic moduleru
dc.subjectcontrol systemru
dc.subjectexecutive unitru
dc.subjecttechnological equipmentru
dc.subjectgear motorru
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