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Название: Аn information system for the preparationof applications for participation in grant funding of scientists in scientific projects
Авторы: Ixebayeva, Zh. B.
Jetpisov, K.
Medeshova, A. B.
Bapiyev, I. M.
Bagisov, Zh. Zh.
Ключевые слова: рк
information тechnology
журнал коксон
периодическое издание
научный журнал
отечественное издание
регистрация заявок
база данных
правила проверки
научные проекты
информационная система
информационные технологии
application registration
verification rules
research projects
information system
Дата публикации: Янв-2023
Издательство: News of the NAS RK /physical-mathematical series/ = Известия НАН РК / физ.-мат. сер./ = ҚР ҰҒА хабарлары / физ-мат. сер./. - 2023. - № 1(345).
Краткий осмотр (реферат): One of the factors of development in the research direction is the activity of university staff and teachers in participating in grant funding competitions. The high activity of researchers in this direction will allow the implementation of new projects, which, in turn, will contribute to attracting additional funding to the university, obtaining significant research results. Applications for participation in grant funding competitions are submitted according to the announced competitions for their holding. According to the terms of the tender documentation for grant financing, applications submitted must meet a number of requirements. The article is devoted to developing an information systemdesigned to record applications submitted by the faculty and staff of the university for participation in grant funding, as well as assisting in the design of the application and preparation of tender documentation. The authors offered innovative approaches to automate the process of checking applications to find errors.Based on the application’s verification results, recommendations or errors to modify the application to increase its level are being constructed.This task has relevance, as it affects the development of scientific activities of the university. The developed software solutions and the results of their successful integration with the information management system of the university offered. In addition to checking applications, the developed system allows for collecting statistical data on submitting applications to universities in general and individual units.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2955
ISSN: 1991-346Х
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи

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