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dc.contributor.authorNasiyev, B. N.-
dc.contributor.authorZhanatalapov, N. Zh.-
dc.contributor.authorIsteleuova, A. К.-
dc.description.abstractIn only 5 years in the Republic of Kazakhstan it is planned to construct about 60 feedlots with single keeping of 150 thousand heads or 300 thousand heads a year. Now in feeding complexes young growth is grown up and fattened in the extensive way on unbalanced diets that leads to large expenses of forages and work for gain unit. Therefore one of the important conditions of further increase in beef production is the development of effective technologies of providing feeding complexes and farms of industrial type with own food supply, at economical expenditure of fodder grain. As a result of carried out researches, the data allowing to estimate efficiency of mixed crops of fodder crops at different terms of harvest for their use in technologies on own forages production in feeding complexes and industrial type farms in conditions of West Kazakhstan region were obtained.ru
dc.publisherZhangir khan West Kazakhstan agrarian-technical universityru
dc.subjectFeeding complexesru
dc.subjectmixed agrophytocenosisru
dc.subjectforage cropsru
dc.subjectexchange energyru
dc.titleState of vegetation of pascual ecosystems of semideserted zoneru
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