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dc.contributor.authorDiyarov, D. M.-
dc.contributor.authorDnekeshev, A. K.-
dc.contributor.authorKoybagarova, D. R.-
dc.contributor.authorBalieva, А. А.-
dc.description.abstractThe work is based on the evaluation of the influence of transport stress on hematological parameters of horses. During transportation, changing the conditions of keeping and feeding, the regime of the day, changing the environment, noise, climate and physical loads can serve as stress factors, which subsequently drastically changes the hematological parameters of the horses blood. The stress factor can easily be determined with the help of a leukogram of horses.ru
dc.publisherZhangir khan West Kazakhstan agrarian-technical universityru
dc.subjectblood leukogram under stressru
dc.subjectstress factor in horse breedingru
dc.subjectseasonal stress in horsesru
dc.titleChanges of blood leukogrsms in transport stress-factor of horsesru
dc.title.alternativeНаука и образование. - № 3 (48). 2017.ru
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